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JF Ossan
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09-09-2010, 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by steamboatsam View Post
I'm sorry, but isn't that a news group's job?
Absolutely not!

That's called yellow journalism, and goes against the pillars of those who study journalism and call themselves reporters or journalists.

The idea that the government would be involved in this man's flee out of the country was introduced by FOX News. No one told them that. Read your second source...a 9 page article from a Dallas newspaper. In 9 pages not once did they bring up the idea of him getting help from anyone when he fled the country right after committing the crime.

So what started as a story about an Egyptian man killing his daughters for dating American boys has been twisted into an anti-government story. Is that what you call news?

Originally Posted by steamboatsam View Post
I placed the those links just to show that FOX was not the only news group that covered it. Plus I RANDOMLY picked them. It was to prove a point that all the stuff that FOX reports and just something made up completly (like some people strongly believe and appear to be stating). Every major news group does it, its just FOX seems to have a worse reputation about it than others. Why do the news groups do it? because it brings ratings. Thats probably why this Rev. is getting so much news media. It brings their ratings up.
No, not every news group does it like FOX News does it. It is probably the "news outlet" with the worst reputation because they are so brazenly skewed and wear that on their sleeve. Their twist is they tell their viewers that all the other news outlets are a part of the "liberal media" and so their right-wing take on the news is actual the middle. It's a good business strategy, but isn't good journalism.