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(#47 (permalink))
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YuriTokoro (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Kawasaki,Japan
09-09-2010, 07:18 AM

Guten Tag!

I’m making example sentences to learn the German grammar.
Today’s word is “ das Kind ”.
Could someone correct my German?

NOM:The child is small. = Das Kind ist klein.
GEN : The hat of the child is blue. = Der Hut des Kind ist blau.
DAT : The textbook belongs to the child. = Das Lehrbuch gehört dem kind.
AKK : The mother is holding the child. = Die Mutter hält das Kind.

NOM : The children go to school. = Die Kinder besuchen die Schule.
GEN : The teacher of the children is young. =Der Lehrer der Kinder ist jung.
DAT : We helped the children to get in the car. =Wir haben der Kinder in den Wagen geholfem.
AKK : The big backpacks hinder the children walking. = Die großen Ruchsäcke behindern die Kinder wandern.


Hello, I may not understand English very well and I may lack words but I will try to understand you.

If you have questions about my post or Japanese customs, don't hesitate to ask.

I YamaP
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