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fluffy0000 (Offline)
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sorta stuck - 09-09-2010, 02:20 PM

US bases are in Germany and Japan, Italy since the end of WW2 because these countries did'nt just lose the war? They unilaterally (pre-emptively) started a world war by attacking their neighbors. - quite a bit of a difference than just one side 'losing a war'.

Nato has been in Afghaniston since Dec 2001

Council on Foreign Relations
Analysis Brief NATO in Afghanistan
February 19, 2009
Greg Bruno

After seven years of urging coalition countries to beef up troop commitments in Afghanistan, Washington appears to have concluded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) cannot be relied upon to provide the "hard power" needed to counter Taliban gains.

"When the United States asks for a serious partner, it doesn't just want advice, it wants, and deserves, someone to share the heavy lifting," Scheffer told the annual NATO international security conference in Munich.

Ever since the toppling of the Taliban in 2001, the Afghan fight has been seen as a test case for the sixty-year-old NATO alliance. Few would argue NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan has passed the test. American troops joke that ISAF stands for "I Saw Americans Fight" (USNews).

Last edited by fluffy0000 : 09-09-2010 at 03:06 PM. Reason: edit
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