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JF Old Timer
Posts: 263
Join Date: Jul 2010
09-09-2010, 05:02 PM

Things have changed. There were a lot of brutal crimes by the US force under the US occupation right after the war. That's for sure. But in the past 20 years or so, there is only about 1 alleged rape case per year. Even if you don't trust the statics by the Japanese police, which I think is a very unreasonable attitude, rape cases by the US military personnel are under extreme scrutiny, and you just need to read the papers to know what's going on, as most of them surface on there.

And as far as I can find, all of the suspects were arrested by the Japanese police. Some of them were acquitted by the Japanese, and tired in the military court again.
沖縄米兵少女暴行事件 よみがえる95年沖縄小学生集団� ��致強姦事件 - 美粒ブログ 〜水の記憶〜

The 2 week old case your brought up is actually not a rape charge, but the suspect has been arrested immediately after the incident by the Japanese police.
米海兵隊員 強制わいせつで逮捕4日未明、沖縄・那覇市のアパ...: フレッシュアイQ&A

Your view of American military personnel raping locals like crazy was correct 60 years ago. Even 40 years ago, the crime rate was somewhat high. But if you talk about the past 20 years, it is just not right.

I agree that Japan should do its own defense. But Chinese is openly claiming that Okinawa is their territory. They are pointing a bunch of nukes at Japan and sending submarines and warships INSIDE Japanese sea around Okinawa. The US military's brutality is absolutely nothing compared with what People's Liberation Army has done in Tibet.

If you want Japan to protect herself, by herself, she needs to be able to repel Chinese. If you want Okinawa to be protected by Japanese military, what is needed is Japanese military using more force against the border violations. Not Americans going home. Not at this stage anyways.
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