Originally Posted by Qayin
sorry to make another post.
But you know, I don't said that it's whether good or bad for health, but electrolyte level is a bit critical in body functioning. I know that electrolyte's level in soft drink like Pocari Sweat is not that much like a medical nutrient.
Consider her small body weight (she is a small child right?) when children consume A LOT it means she got more concentration of the drink in her body than that of the adult right? And consider what the other said about there are not much clinical research of this in small children, It makes me a bit concerned.
I don't know whether it's good or bad either, but in case it's bad it could bring more harm to the children more than the adult.
I don't think they said she should drink gallons of it. Of course, anything in excess can be bad for you... even water.