Originally Posted by steamboatsam
You use the Daily show, a fake news show that does comedy acts about news reports, as a reference of untwisting FOX twisted reports? And you get on me about FOX.
I'm trying to state FOX is always right, it isn't and nobody othe channel is. I'm trying to state something similar to what Jaydelart stated earlier. That a report from one source should not be disregarded because of the source's methods and bias of investigation and/or reporting and/or its background. It should be seen and then, if the person is interested in it, to be looked deeper by other sources who did a similar report and see their opinions. Do you write a research paper with just one resource? No, you use multiple resources. The same should go with news when making a decision of what part of a report is real.
I didn't say The Daily Show is a news source. I said it is a show that makes it's bread and butter on untwisting FOX News. You don't see that for other news sources.
Listen, steamboatsam, you suggested that the government wasn't enforcing the laws when the suspect was Muslim. Now that we look into that statement a little, we see that there is nothing to support it. This is the FOX News pattern. Are you seeing this now? They put an idea out there, without any proof, sources, etc. and let it gestate. Then viewers like you go out there on forums and throw it out there. It took me to say "I would like to hear more about that" for us to realize it was a baseless statement. Sadly 99% of the time that kind of dialog doesn't take place, and as a result 40% of Americans believe out church-going life-long Christian is a Muslim.