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Jaydelart (Offline)
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09-09-2010, 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire View Post
I think the thing here is that you are treating this more like a hypothetical scenario. You apparently have "left wing media" on the one hand and so naturally you have "right wing media" to counter it.

In fact all youve done there is bought the FOX narrative.

The way I see it (and Im sure MMM agrees) is that on the one hand you have the media institutions which try to uphold journalistic integrity. Things such as trying to get both sides of the story, removing yourself from the story and focus on the facts and relevant opinions, even simple things like sourcing statistics when you give them etc. (How many times have you heard a FOX news presenter give some sort of statistic without saying who did the research and in what context?)

On the other hand you have FOX news which is violates these rules all the time.

Again.. if you have access to the BBC I would suggest going over to them. Of course they arent perfect but I think they have the best journalistic integrity of all the worldwide news networks.
You have to realize this is coming down to my worldview. I prefer not to assume I know truly what I might think I know without compelling evidence of a personal standard. There's very little I claim to truly know. In this regard, I can't confidently accuse CNN, NBC, FOX, or any other news agency of deception for any given example, even if I may be more inclined to one, simply because I lack firsthand observation or am not satisfied with what is presented to me. Think of it what you will, that's how I'm going about it all.

At this point, I can only conclude that the influence of subjective judgement is largely relevant. That is, someone's not detaching themselves from bias. The rest is - you touched on it - playing with logic. lol

I think I've seen a few bits from BBC. They weren't bad, if I remember correctly. Though, that may be because I haven't seen much.