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fluffy0000 (Offline)
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sorta not - 09-09-2010, 09:31 PM

pls explain how any force - NATO or otherwise could be a deterrent in SE Asia?

NATO was a deterrent in Europe during the Cold War because the US military
did the heavy lifting ie; ground forces, airforce, and navy backed up with nuclear weapons and delivery systems.
The military doctrine during the Cold War for NATO was to stop a massive soviet armor thrust through the Fulda Gap btween East and West Germany .

A conflict in SE Asia would be completely different and involve control of the sea lanes and oceans with a major emphasis on naval operations.

Your fantasy about any force opposing US hegemony in SE Asia without another superpower also a member of this force is pure fantasy. The US defense budget for 2010 fiscal year totals more than next 2nd,3rd,4th,5th military budgets on the planet combined and then some.

Last edited by fluffy0000 : 09-09-2010 at 09:41 PM. Reason: edit
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