Originally Posted by steven
As far as McDonalds trying to blend in goes, at least in Japan the architecture is not too different than America (except maybe up until recently... like half a year ago in my area, they had smoking areas). I'd say that in Japans case, they try to blend McDonalds' menu with 'Japanese' things. There are certain things on the menu that are only in Japan. I don't eat there, so I don't really know. However, I do remember the distinct smell of the American McDonalds-- the Japanese McDonalds has a different smell. The smell of fast food is almost like a brand name-- each place has its signature smell.
That reminds me of one difference that caught my attention when eating at a McDonald's there: their Kid's Meal toys. Instead of a single figurine or card, like what you would usually get in the U.S., they included what seemed like a 4-section toy car rail set, including the car. And we ordered and received two of them that day. Of course, it was still cheaply produced, but the packet was bigger than the bag for the meal.
I'm not sure if that's how they usually pack their toys, I only ate McDonald's there once. I thought it would be fun to mention. lol