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(#87 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
09-10-2010, 12:17 AM

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
It also seems like a lot of potential violence could be avoided.
Which is a cause of religious intolerance.

I'm still seeing headlines with "mosque at ground zero" written. That was already presented as misleading in a previous thread. This tells me that the media is hugely affecting this situation. Why did it make the news to begin with? If it was never on the news some guy in Florida wouldn't be throwing a hissy fit about it. Similarly, why did some guy throwing a hissy fit over this make the news? If you wanna talk about potential violence that could be avoided then you should be talking about the media. They've got control of the cameras and the editing... whomever they play the bad-guy music for will be the bad guy.

Lumping people involved in the community center that happens to have a mosque in it with the people responsible for 911 is unfair. Not to stir things up too much, but I'd liken it to calling german people nazis. 911 is almost 10 years old and there's still crap like this going on. Why is that?