09-10-2010, 12:28 AM
I have to be honest with you, I don't think there are any conclusions to come to at this point. I haven't heard of any statistics that have to do with the "McDonalds model" and how it affects different societies.
If you talk about "Fast Food Culture", the best you could do is just provide examples of things like the KFC Christmas Chicken deal. There might be some other things like that in Japan... but none that I really know of. I can only imagine how many things like that exist around the world though. That sounds like an awful lot of research for an English paper.
"My professor said that there was a study where some sociologists sat in some McDonald's in China and observed how people acted near a McDonald's compared to as away from it, and also how they acted when they were in it."
This sounds cool in practice, and will probably give somewhat accurate resutls, but I think it's far from being a completely sound expiriment. I guess sociology is just one of those things, but obersvations alone might not capture the depth to which McDonalds affects societies. Obviously I don't know anything about the study, but like if they're gonna go to a restaraunt and compare how people act to how they would normally act, I'd hope they went to other restaraunts to provide a "control". Speaking personally, I get pretty anxious when I'm hungry, so I'll probably be a little more rude than usual. That will probably make me give off more non-verbal signals than just being in a place that is different from my home-culture would.
At any rate, is there a website that has the study that you are talking about on it?