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(#34 (permalink))
Ryzorian (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Jun 2009
09-10-2010, 04:56 AM

No country messes with another country that posseses nukes, thats just standard protocol. That doesn't mean when push comes to shove the US couldn't handle a country with a few nukes.

We can, the patriot missle system isn't an anti missle system, it's an anti aircraft system that works so well it can shoot down missles, the actual anti missle system has never been seen in real time scenarios. It's also why we get upset when goofballs like kim ill try to launch two stage rockets, we don't want anybody else knowing how well developed our defensive systems really are.

We don't inform anyone because it keeps the illusion up, once the illusion that we don't have a workable defensive ability goes, stability goes as well because now we would be "first strike" capablility, wich jacks up tension. It's why places like iran must not be allowed to develope such systems, because it threatens to reveal the aces we have. Everyone knows we have them, but as long as no one see's them it's not mentioned.Iiran could change world stability by being stupid.
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