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09-10-2010, 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by chiuchimu View Post
naive is assuming I'm unaware of crucial facts. I disagree. First, this IS a discussion forum. You nor I can change or affect any international political issue. I agree that as governments as are now and politics as are now, it is not going to happen. However, NO one knows how things pan out. did you 20 years before they happened, predict Desert Storm? did you Predict 911? The fall of the Berlin Wall? Economic Rise of China ans Korea? Tell me now the surprising, world shocking things that will happen in the next 30 years. Most people did not predict these things, yet they happened. A lot of events surprise the world.

Talk is talk, and its healthy and productive for people to discuss what they thing the governments are doing and what the governments should do. If you think the talk is wasting your time, don't participate.

Saying it's impossible or people of Japan are against it is fine. That is good arguments that is true NOW. It might change in the future. The idea that it's not worth discussion because it will never happen is a false statement. Your ability to predict what will happen in twenty years is no more valid than anyone else.
I agree with you and healthy discussion can be rewarding and fun. but the general public never has all the information. There are things we will never know that governments hide from us that includes Japan. We will never know the true facts unless you are the one making policy or one of the elite.

Just now i read article about how Japan is more worried than ever about China's military rise, with China make bolder and more frequent incursions in waters it deems is theirs like the collisions with a Japanese patrol boat. Japan and the US may have their differences but i consider Japan an important partner to the US and vice verse. I feel Japan is worth protecting they are our allies. If the Japanese people chose to protect themselves that would be a decision they made as a country and in their best interest and the US forces would leave.

My point was discussion is if fine it generates ideas and allows us think more freely and maybe learn a thing or two from our peers. However, current truths and future truths can have a discussion in circles in no time.

What i consider a waste of time when is provides information provides a source for that information proving it as fact. The arguments continue because we all see things differently and believe what we want to believe. Sangetsu is a realist and people fail to see why he was so upset about the content of the topics at hand and why he stated it was a waste of time.

I can count 8 different threads started in the past year similar to this topic which eventually always gets closed by a mod and its easy to see why. That is the reason i say its a waste of time.

Last edited by Sinestra : 09-10-2010 at 09:00 PM.
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