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fluffy0000 (Offline)
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sorta media hype - 09-11-2010, 12:42 AM

Notice the date on this excerpt article?

China Has Long Eyes For U.S. Carriers
by James Dunnigan
December 12, 2008

the DF-21 is using reverse engineered, reinvented or stolen the 1970s technology that went into the U.S. Pershing ballistic missile. This 7.5 ton U.S. Army missile also had an 1,800 kilometers range, and could put its nuclear warhead within 30 meters of its aim point. This was possible because the guidance system had its own radar.

FYI US Pershings were decommissioned in the 1980s.

There is no guaranty on a 100% kill on a US carrier with any type of conventional payload that the DF-21 has. That is why it also also has the option of a nuclear payload. Only a DF-21 with a nuclear payload has 100% kill guaranty if it hits near or on the target.

Last edited by fluffy0000 : 09-11-2010 at 12:59 AM. Reason: more smoke
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