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(#121 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
09-11-2010, 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by x2cool View Post
I think that saying that extremist are all the same is accurate though, I mean there are extremist who do something about what they think, and hose who just talk, I think the ones we should worry about are the ones who make good on their threats, not the harmless ones.
I'm sure you know this as a Californian, but Americans have the power of voting. I believe that organizations with a lot of money help to influence voting in various (law abiding to completely corrupt) ways.

I never went to church (regularly... I've been a few times) but I can imagine they have facilities for voting when the time comes, so I think that would give churchgoers a very huge edge compared with people who are busy sleeping in or doing other things.

Unfortunately not every country has the privelage of voting (not that voting is always accurate or ... unrigged). That is something that is absolutely great about America and plenty of other countries. America, as well as a lot of other powerful countries affect the world in many ways which causes what I would believe to be a feeling of "taxation without representation". It may not be straight taxes, but there are many consequences of things that powerful countries do that severely affect regions around the world. This is something that has been going on since the late 1800's I'd say (probably even prior to that). I think that a lot of smaller countries (I don't say smaller in an offensive way) have a bit of a grudge on America that probably dates back to the WWI era. With the current technology (which causes some power imbalances) and media (which basically lets people know about all the good and bad things going on) it's harder to start wars as we knew them to be (which in many ways ended with WWII). So if people can't vote in America (or other countries of a similar ilk) and would be completely wiped out in a "traditional" war then I think you see things like "terror". I know it seems sick to say something like this, but that is their vote... and their voice.

While I don't believe "terrorists" are the majority voice, I think they have something very serious to prove. A lot of that probably gets lost in translation and with misleading information from the government and media. While some people (probably including a lot of the "terrorists") feel this as a war based on religion, I'd say it is also well rooted in what led up to WWI as well as the outcomes of WWII (which resulted in all the lines on the modern map).

Last edited by steven : 09-11-2010 at 11:54 AM.