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(#33 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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09-11-2010, 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
I find it amusing though when foreigners complain about other foreigners getting drunk and obnoxious as though this is just something peculiar to foreigners! Either some people don't go out much or they choose to ignore all the Japanese guys getting drunk, obnoxious and trying to pick up girls as well. In the bar I own in Hakodate it's hardly unusual to see Japanese girls getting drunk, obnoxious and trying to pick up foreign guys for that matter.

I personally don't act like that myself but I am almost 40, been married for over 10 years and have a kid so my days of heading out partying and trying to pick up girls are well and truly over!

I don't think I would want to live in Japan though if I didn't live in the Niseko area. Most of the foreigners and Japanese alike who live at the ski resort are here for very similar reasons. We love skiing/boarding and the laid back lifestyle of living at a ski resort in an absolutely beautiful part of the world. This commonality very quickly breaks down any barriers between the different peoples living here. Extremely few of the foreigners here are english teachers just over for a year or two. Many have settled in the region with their families and hope to be here for good or at least very long term.

This makes a big difference to their behaviour I think because if you're only here short term it's easy not to care how you effect others around you or how you are perceived. When you've committed yourself to a place long term and invested time and money into the local community you're much more likely to be respectful and caring of that community.

With Binge drinking that is too common in UK there is much lack of control.

I have seen films where some BRITS really let their country down with their awful behaviour.

Personally I feel that if a country makes you welcome then you should show respect to that country. It is a bad advert to behave badly in another country--

When I read the book TOKYO HOSTESS that was about the sex and drinking clubs and the YAKUZA influence and how many backpackers or even trainee students mix with the wrong crowd at some of those clubs-- they can earn a lot of money very quickly-- but also place themselves at risk. I believe all countries have similar situations of course.

Some of the programmes we have seen on TV about Japan tend to pick out the unusual-- such as the MAID cafes, places where you can take in oxygen-- Love Hotels etc but I am sure there is so much more to JAPAN than those few instances.
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