Originally Posted by Columbine
Very belated, but yes, although not actually on scene at the time. I didn't see anything. We were there in the morning, then left to get lunch elsewhere. The attack happened at around noon and we heard about it much much later that evening.
Hi Columbine
wow you were there.
It was shocking and sad...
Originally Posted by MissMisa
Well, once I have a more detailed idea of where I want to go, then it'll be worth asking whether or not to get a rail pass, right?
Hello MissMisa,
I think the rail pass is worth it.
I wish I could buy one, but I can't cos Im Japanese.
sorry you might have already talked about it somewhere, but I couldn't find.. so
For how long would you like to travel?
And if you can tell your budget, I might be able to give you more information and better suggestions.
I travel too, and I did one this summer for 8days in North part of Japan (Aomori and Hakodate).
I travelled from Yokohama(near Tokyo), I used the coaches to travel (I wish I had the rail pass!) 12 hours to get there! (5500yen one way).
I stayed at a cosy hotels for 4 nights(single room 3500-5000yen per nite) and at an internet cafe for a night(2000yen, you can have soft serve (icecream) and drinks as much as you want, there are all type of games and mangas and all that, and if you pay a little extra, you can use a tiny room for your own) and 2 nights on the bus! The cost of the food was arond 3000yen/day was enough for me.I just went to the places (not expensive ones) where local people would go, and I also used the supermarkets often to find the local food, snacks,sweets and all that!
but you won't find many cosplay people around that area. I only saw 2 girls dressing up like dolls.
You will LOVE Harajuku, just like you said to see all the cosplay girls,Sunday is the best but to enjoy shopping, a weekday is better.
You will also enjoy Shibuya 109. If you really want to see every single shops in there, you'll need 3 hours or more I think.
and if you could come in May, you might be able to see lovely "sakura" in the north part of Japan.This is just an example.
Anyway, I hope you will have a wonderful time in Japan