Thread: LGBT Thread!!!
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Mazikeen (Offline)
His Word In Stone
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Location: Chicago, IL
09-12-2010, 08:19 PM

I am also a member of the LGBT community, and despite the fact that I am a new member of this forum, it's imperative that I tell all of you what you're already thinking, that it's unnecessary. There's absolutely no good reason for there to be a LGBT section on a Japan-centered forum.

I'm sure there are threads concerning the LGBT community in Japan already, so I'm not exactly sure how this new section would benefit this forum's community. Hahaha, really, the fact that this was even brought up is great! The old forum I belonged to felt it was okay to compare the LGBT community to pedophiles, beastiality, and incestuous relationships.

I'm already starting to like this forum!

Last edited by Mazikeen : 09-12-2010 at 08:21 PM.