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Mazikeen (Offline)
His Word In Stone
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Location: Chicago, IL
09-12-2010, 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by chiuchimu View Post
Didn't Obama bailout GM because GM's bankruptcy would have hurt an already low U.S. economy. The U.S. gov bought the car company to save it.
Yes, I believe that's the reason Obama initiated the purchase of GM. It's bankruptcy would have definitely hurt the US economy. This bad economy in the USA is because of the tax breaks given over the past 10 years by the Bush administration. Waging war is an expensive business, and lowering taxes, while we should have been raising them is what I feel brought on this bad economy.

We're going to obviously pull out of it, and Japan will do the same. We just have to get our priorities in order.

In regards to whether or not Japan should distance itself from the US, it would be incredibly ignorant of the Japanese government to do that. They're backwards thinking enough without allowing the suicide of their partnership with the USA.
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