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Columbine (Offline)
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09-12-2010, 11:11 PM

Originally Posted by hunterofpeace View Post
I will be living and working in Japan for a year and I have no idea how to prioritize the weight in my luggage. I've heard there are certain things I should bring from home like fluoride toothpaste and possibly lotion for dry skin. What toiletries have you all found difficult to get in Japan? I'm 5'4 so finding clothes in Japan will not be an issue although I would like to not have to spend a whole lot of my budget on clothes. And it may be hard to find things like tailored suits. Should I ship myself extra clothes (like suits, winter coats, and sweaters)? And what about shoes? I am a size 7 - 7 1/2. That's not very big in America but I don't know how sizes run in Japan. I will also need to get an e-reader since packing a year's worth of books is impossible. Any advice on the Nook or the Kindle? I also have to take omiyage into account and I have no idea what is appropriate. Ahhhhhh. It's all a little overwhelming. Any advice would be appreciated.

How much is your luggage allowance in Kg? Apparently fluoride toothpaste is now available in Japan, but you might want to bring a tube or two to tide you over until you can find one you like. I'd say a high fluoride mouthwash would be more useful to supplement the lack of fluoride in the tap water. Consult your dentist before you travel. I would bring face wash if your Japanese isn't strong enough to determine labels right away as many contain 'whitening' or 'bleaching' products which can be harsh on skin. I would also bring any ladies sanitary products you are accustomed to as some types aren't as widely popular in Japan, particularly tampons, as you might be limited to a single brand and then find it doesn't suit your needs. Obviously bring any prescription meds from home.

I think you should be able to find tailored suits easily enough as Japan has more of a culture to dress smartly for work, and personally I found clothes fitted better in japan, but it will depend on your shape. If you think the bust area may be an issue, consider bringing enough to last while you search out a retailer that will suit you. Unless you're somewhere very rural, or very, very shapely you shouldn't have too much of a problem.

I'm not sure of American shoe sizing but I'm a UK 5 1/2 (about 24cm in length) and I was pretty much in the LL section of ladies footware out there. Basically pack essentials; a pair of smart shoes for work, your favourite fun shoes and some practical shoes. Buy slippers when you arrive (these don't matter much as you'll be wearing them about your house, so you can buy mens if the women's sizings don't fit).

Not sure about Kindle or Nook either, but larger book stores and libraries, especially in urban areas, carry english-language books. You can also always order off amazon.
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