Originally Posted by Columbine
お久しぶり!(w)先週北イギリスに旅行に行きました� �
oh what a coinsident! 私は先月
I used to do that too! I'd move my toys every day so that they each had a turn 'sleeping' at the top of the bed, so no-one felt left out. In the UK we mostly call them "cuddly toys" or simply just "toys" as most people guess that if you say "I had a robot" you mean something like a plastic toy, or if you say "I had a toy rabbit," you mean something like a ぬいぐるみ。
oh you did that? lovely!
Do you sometimes talk to them too? I mean not like a mad, but....
I would say " sorry! " if I accidentally dropped it or something.
I don't like to see people throwing or kicking them...
maybe I'm too naive but maybe because there are face on it...
I see. so I can say like to the kid " Where is your toy bear? " or " You have a cute toy tutle. "
Thank you!
I really enjoy the onomatopoeia in Japanese language. I'm told that I make up a lot of noises or onomatopoeic words when I talk sometimes too! I don't even realise I do it. :/
I love to hear some of your original onomatopoeic words!
I do it when I want to explain about the unusual stuff.
私は行った事がありませんが、ある友だちが北海道でWWOOFをしました。WWOOFについて聞いた事がありますか?北海道� ��めっちゃすごいそうです。(だから/なので)絶対行きたいんです!
はい、もちろんWWOOF知ってますよ!メンバーではありま� ��んが、私にはバックパッカーの友達がたくさんいるの� ��よく話を聞きます。
はい、私も北海道には短期間ではなく長期間の旅をした いと思います!
I will come back to talk about the Peter Rabbit and your 茶色い熊みたいな寮のおとうさん
Thanks! Your stories are alway interesting and make me smile