Originally Posted by TalnSG
Has no one ever explained to you that "separate, but equal" is a fallacy?
I have not spent the greater part of my years fighting for equal rights to see them set backwards by isolating a group based on sexual orientation. 
I can see it now...you walk into a restaurant and a waitress comes up and asks you a question..
"Homosexual or Heterosexual seating, sir/ma'am?"
You look down and ask to be seated in the homosexual section, shuffling your feet a little bit. She leads you to your table, and it turns out to be a bed, with lubed men doing what seems to be akin to wrestling, but only with their lower appendages and with new york strip steaks. You black the latter out of your memory, too horrendous to be remembered.
You then place your order, and wait for your drink to arrive...