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JF Ossan
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09-13-2010, 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by WorkingToTravel View Post
I am traveling in October. I have a 21 hour layover in Tokyo and I'd like to get as much in as I can. My flight arrives around 6:00 Pm and I leave the next day at around 3:00 PM. Realistically I would probably need to get to the airport by noon.

Please let me know what you would do with such a short amount of time there.

I'm not sure there is much to do late in the evening or early in the morning, but I will go without sleeping if I can find something to do to fill the entire time.

I'll be traveling alone - just to keep that in mind with any tips.

Thank you in advance.
There should also be a place you can store your luggage until you are ready to get back on the plane (for a fee, of course).
Give yourself about 90 minutes to get too and from the airport to central Tokyo.

There are always things open, but if you are planning on staying up all night, I hope it is a weekend.
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