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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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09-14-2010, 03:36 AM

Originally Posted by chiuchimu View Post
There is a tree in the back ground too. So

The focus is not on the men in that picture or any of the pictures. The men happened to be there the three girls are what the shot is about. Didn't you notice when you wrote otoko, ototko in kanji that the men are all off to the side surrounding the girls? That's different. Other pictures of the OP has a few guys in it too. Hard to not get bystanders in a picture. The bystanders are not the subject of the photo.

MMM, are you Japanese? Stand back and really look at the pictures and tell me if the focus on Japanese women is the same as the focus on Japanese men. It's so obvious, I don't know how you can't see it.
Are you Japanese? I have never seen a Japanese person complain about the exploitation of Japanese women where it doesn't exist more than you have today. They are just pictures of Japan, and I am not going to tell Wings he is doing anything wrong when he is doing everything just fine.

You said this picture had no men in it. I found four. I'll respond again when you have a legitimate complaint. I am just a little surprised you are sticking to your guns on this one.
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