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(#7 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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09-14-2010, 01:54 PM

mmm maybe for you RONIN better to illustrate more recent events-- but we do too easily forget. I am in my mid- seventies--not sure how much longer I'll be around and people of my era tend to look back.

What is TIME after all?

If some ex pows have suffered for too many years because of lack of understanding or some sort of closure-- it seems heartless.

I believe many people in the forces today are treated badly when they get back home. It slike the government send them to war-- but really don't take enough responsibility when they return.

I believe our country does not do anywhere enough to help returning soldiers etc.

America over reacted after 9/11 and dragged us into new wars. Bush brought our prime minister in-- He hung onto Bushes coat tails. Many of us protested against going into IRAQ. And what the blazes we are doing in Afghanistan beats me!!

History should teach us-- do we ever learn from history? It seems not because the same things are repeated over and over.

As for GUantanamo bay? How is it still allowed?
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