Originally Posted by chiuchimu
I said act, talk, and look Japanese. I haven't changed my statement. I even wrote several paragraphs to clarify what I meant. Why not get a haircut like everyone else, Why not dress in whats in? we all do it in our own countries-follow fads and what not, If you don't like the hairstyles and fashions , fine don't follow them. . Regardless of taste, how is wearing Japan fashion giving up something of your self? How is it changing your personality?
I already explained that the popular haircuts in Japan would not look good on me, or most Caucasians. You weren't talking about following fashion if it fits me. If that is what you had said, I wouldn't have disagreed. My point is changing my personal fashion because, according to society's expectations of me. I don't think those expectations are there. Remember, this is what you said:
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
Clothes mannerism, hair cut, facial expression. posture etc..
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
It's what NORMAL people do when they go to live in a foreign country. It's what the people of the host country expects out of foreigners. What part of this don't you get??
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
I bit you stood out like a soar thumb.
People aren't like you. They want to fit into the society they live in.
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
That's like saying:
" I'm Joe American, I can't follow Japanese fads, I can only follow American ones!"
That is so lame. everyone follows fads, trends and styles in there respective countries yet, moving to Japan, now following fashion means Changing the core of your being.
I didn't say I couldn't follow fashions, I said that I don't think Japanese society expects me to follow them.
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
If hairstyle, clothes define your personality or defines who you are, then don't change a thing. But don't blame Japan. Long hair and certain clothing means no job for you. Maybe no apartment either. Tatto = No job. Looking a certain way means some people might want to approach you whiles others won't have anything to do with you. Think things carefully and make your choices.
I think hairstyle and fashion sense is a part of EVERYONE'S personality.
And I lived in Jpan and go back fairly often. I also know I don't need to adopt Japanese street dress and hairstyles to be accepted there. I would contend that Westerners that try to "become Japanese" as you said actually turn Japanese people off.
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
To be clear, no more misunderstandings, I'm saying the more you fit in - the more you are going to fit in. It's your choice on what to do and not do. Whatever you define to be your personality or identity is your business. I never said to change who you are. you decide what happens so don't bitch about it later and say no one told you.
I'm born in Nagasaki Japan, I'm greencard in the U.S. I never said I was nisei, I said it's easy to tell nisei from 'New people'.
I am saying if you try and adopt Japanese styles you may get the opposite result. I never changed my fashion to "fit in" and I fit in just fine. If cutting my hair like other Japanese men or wearing a certain type of clothes to "fit in" is what someone needs to be friends with me, then I don't want to be friends with them. I made plenty of friends in Japan (many of which I am still friends with 15+ years later) and they like me for me, not for what country my clothes are from.
And I asked about where you were from because I remember this post from you:
Originally Posted by chiuchimu
Whale meat has been eaten in Nagasaki for a long time. It is delicious. My Grandma, when alive, used to prepare it for me when I went to see her in Japan.
No Nation or people have the right to judge the culture and customs of another.
So you have lived in the US quite a long time...