Originally Posted by Mazikeen
Yes, unlike the aboriginal people of Japan and Australia, we actually learn about the horrible things we did to the Native Americans while in school, it's especially important to me because I am part Native American. Your counter argument is stupid. You lose.
Oh my God.. way to miss the point. I love how this technicality apparently lets you off the hook. If you were advocating that the history of Ainu be taught in classrooms then I would agree with you. But you aren't... so I'm not.
Oh by the way.. which countries didn't sign the fairly recent declaration which recognised the rights of Indigenous peoples? Japan did... Oh yeah.. Australia, Canada, the United States and New Zealand didn't. Ironically I actually support not signing the treaty.. but I'm just pointing out that the Japan in your imaginiation is not the Japan of reality.
Furthermore... You don't think that most Japanese are against war and genocide?
I don't know what you are doing on Japanforum.. because you obviously know nothing about modern Japan.
Originally Posted by Mazikeen
Yes, this is because they both have a lengthy history of invading other countries, murdering, enslaving, raping, and pillaging the populace. This is more true with Japan than with Germany, WWI and WWII are the primarily reason I don't trust Germany.
Slavery anyone? Genocide of Native Americans? How about witch hunting? I love it how you think the technicality of doing it within a border makes it OK. Oh wait.. the Vietnam war where America supported a corrupt South Vietnamese government and raped and pillaged villages who were thought to support the VC.
Originally Posted by Mazikeen
What are the US forces doing that's so bad, sweetie? Did we finally top a regime we should have twenty years ago? Hey, I bet Kurds are happy that Saddam Hussein isn't gassing them anymore! And what's your problem with Afghanistan? You might want to talk about the UN forces there about that, considering it's a multi-national effort.
What was that? Guantanamo bay anyone? What about the many prisons that exist like it? What about the fact that thousands of direct violations of the Geneva convention occured which is what Japan's crime was regarding the POWs? How about the unconditional support of Israel in their oppression of Palestinians?
Originally Posted by Mazikeen
Oh, I'm sorry! When was the last time that Americans put prisoners into pressure chambers until they die, buried them alive, infected their prisoners with diseases, massacred tens of millions on a mere whim, and so forth?
That's right, we've never done that to any foreign nationals, and we were never even remotely like that towards Native Americans.
Oh so it's not a question of moral standing.. It's a question of scale?
Massacre a few thousand natives (women and children included), force a few thousands of Africans into slavery, depose a few legitimate regimes during the cold war and installing totalitarian dictators instead killing another few million. Support the Israeli's in their oppression of Palestinians killing another few thousand.. no harm done?
I can't believe I'm reading this.