09-15-2010, 07:33 AM
It only seems like I'm "pissing" on America because you are giving us a bullshit narrative where America is some righteous nation that hold's the moral high ground.
The United States has made some progress in some areas I'm not denying that. To be honest I think Bush did so badly that America would've voted for any Democratic candidate.. and I don't think giving Native Americans casino's and reserves is "making it up to them" but it's progress of some sort I guess.
And if you bothered reading the thread I also said Japan could not go it alone.. but not because of your bullshit reasons... but because of logistical reasons. So I already believed that Japan will not become a military power in the foreseeable future. It's time for you to accept that America will be judged for what it does... not for what it says it is.