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JF Ossan
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09-15-2010, 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by chiuchimu View Post

If it works for you fine. People are different.

One point though: There is a huge and varied types of hair styles and fashions in Japan -Id say the fashions in Japan ranges from everything America and Europe have and much more. The Japanese industry is huge including lots of import labels too. You make it sound like people don't have choices in Japan. But sure, if nothing is to your taste in Japanese clothing or it takes away from your identity, you can always buy online from America and have it shipped to Japan. I live in the U.S. and as much as I like some Japanese fashion items, I buy all my stuff at the local mall. I don't have this great fashion need to import my clothes from Japan.
So you have gone from I should buy clothes in Japan in order to fit in, to American and European fashion is accepted in Japan. This is what I have been saying from the first place.

I am not the one who said people don't have choices in Japan-- YOU said that. (At least they don't have choices if they want to fit in, right?) Remember, I am supposed to be the guy that sticks out like a sore thumb because I don't adjust my American fashion to Japanese style? I don't want to rehash the argument, I am just saying that where you disagreed with me before, we now seem to agree. It is very easy to fit in wearing clothes from the US and Europe, as clothes from the US and Europe are also sold in Japan.
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