Originally Posted by zUkUu
I'll try. IMO the best way to do so, is usin the allready mentioned "Bushido" 武士道. It's NOT the physical "road" that a warrior is going. It's more a way of life. A spirutal thing. Your dedication, your mindset, your attitude.
You can do/handle things like a coward, peace-lover, warrior or your very own way etc.
I just wanna express that I walk my on path, that I chose my own destiny, that I handle things in my way, that I live my life in my way, that I do things in my style.
It's kinda hard to describe.
Again, thank you for your suggestions and effort.  Hope we'll work something out.
(I do not say that I don't use any of the allready mentioned! I just wanna collect, and make a choice when I've a bunch of suggestions to chose from. I look at the meaning, the lenght and the kanji's used and how it does fit into my idea of the tattoo etc)
That's not what I mean. You said something about a skit. Is it friends talking, and what are they saying?
My suggestion only works in certain circumstances. MMM's only works in certain circumstances.