Thread: Small つ
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princessmarisa (Offline)
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09-16-2010, 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by Sashimister View Post
After someone has replied, you can say ありがとございます, or more naturally, ありがとうございました, but NOT before. We don't have that custom.

And you don't say おねがいします after someone has answered your question. You say it when you ask your question or request any goods or service from another person.

I am really confused why there is even a debate here, unless it is a British thing anyway....

Of course you only thank after someone has done something (like a service) and you say please before.

How can you thank someone before you know if they will even do it?

At the very earliest you say it while they are in middle of doing it, but only with close friends because that can seem kind of cheeky.

I applied the same principle to ありがとうございました while in Japan, even then you realise you say it far too often and half the time ありがとう or even a smile nod thing will do.

Also never ever say *anything* in reply to いっらしゃいませ(welcome! shouted at you 100x when you walk within a 50foot radius of a shop)

I started off saying ありがとう and was met with confused blank stares then another IRRASSSSHHEEEEE like I got the response wrong. Not only that if you replied each time you would lose your voice an hour into your first ever shopping trip.

Fighting ignorance and slaying a few narutards whilst I am at it.
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