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Mazikeen (Offline)
His Word In Stone
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Location: Chicago, IL
09-17-2010, 02:10 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
Doesn't matter where you are from. Patriotism and nationalism blinds you from the truth and makes you intolerant of any criticism however valid it may be.
I'm not intolerant to criticism of my country. In fact, my ancestors on both sides of my family have in one way or another been persecuted by early Americans. My Native American ancestors were clearly persecuted, and the same goes for my Irish ancestry. I know all too well about some of the poor choices made by the early United States of America. Do I think the Korean War was wrong? No. Do I think the Vietnam War was wrong? Not wrong, but poorly executed. What about the Iraq/Afghanistan wars? I think they need to be fought.

It's absolutely ignorant to cry and point at the United States of America as holding Japan back though. Each and every country on this planet has done horrible things, but it's a goddamn fact that none have been more terrible than Japan and Germany's actions during and before World War II. Anyone who denies that is either ignorant to the truth of the matter, brainwashed, or talking out of their rears to better assimilate into the Japanese culture(It's not going to help).

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
It also makes you believe that your country and people are better than others which breeds arrogance and contempt for others.
Oh, I definitely don't think that Americans are better than any other nationality. In fact, I think the entire world working together is the only way to forge a better tomorrow for our species. That's why I like the cooperation between JSDF and the US military. We can work together, and we can make the right decisions together.

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
These are the main reasons I despise both patriotic and nationalistic fervor. As far as I'm concerned being patriotic is not a good thing at all but unfortunately in many countries patriotism is valued highly.
Patriotism is not as active in the United States as you may believe. It's definitely active though, and your life won't be impeded if you don't show you're a "patriot". God knows that the flag of the Saint Patrick's Battalion is flying outside my house as I type this.
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