Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Yeah you have a point there...
If you fought in the street like you fought in kumite, you might get caught out. We are taught to hit places like the groin and the throat in the dojo.. but we never practice that in kumite.
Us too, I am positive that every single dojo will teach about the effectivenss of hitting places like the groan and such, we even have a technique that uses the spear hand to cut the eyes
As far as the spear hand is concern, it wasn't meant to penetrate the body, not as far as I know anyways, its meant to be a technique that is suppose to generate a concentrated central point of contact, i don't know of anyone who mastered it enough to be able to drive it into someon'es body, but i know of one person who uses it along the center line (groin, celiac plexus, etc)...