Thread: Itinery October
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(#8 (permalink))
swefinesp (Offline)
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09-17-2010, 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
First let me say I hope your relationship is solid. I know best friends that spent a month in Japan together, and have never spoken since. This will be a test of your relationship.
Hehe, interestingly enough my boyfriend and I are also going to Japan for one month, starting next week. And we're also from Sweden (which I dare say TheSwede probably is, too). Why is a month in Japan so strenuous on a relationship, according to you?

TheSwede: Seems like you're going to see quite a lot and still have time to stay a few days at some of the places, nice. We're going to spend our first and last week in Tokyo and then travel around in Kyoto, Osaka, the Tottori area, going to visit some islands etc. Nothing's set in stone, though. We might suddenly end up in Hokkaido watching the autumn colours, who knows
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