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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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09-17-2010, 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by Sinestra View Post
The problem is SEA is not working towards it and there are so many issues between Asian countries involved it will be long time before they ever see anything like EU. China is dominate right now and will only get stronger politically and economically. Im conflicted myself about the bases i feel the Okinawan resident about noise and pollution and the destruction of natural wildlife and habitats. However, the latest research reports i read is that an overwhelming majority of Japanese citizens want the bases. Iv spoken numerous experts at American University and at University of Maryland and they all tend to say the same thing. The Japanese need but ask and the US would leave Japan but its so much more complicated than we are making it out to be.
Well they are working towards it. But you're right... it's just going really slowly and there are many issues to be ironed out.

The ASEAN bloc are a group of South East Asian countries that are looking to create a competitive economy like that of the EU. The ASEAN bloc is usually just SEA countries but Australian and New Zealand are trying to make it clear that they want to be included too, should this get off the ground. Japan, the US, South Korea and India are often invited to negotiations as observers too.

I think an active commitment form Japan would speed up the process. In fact I think ASEAN needs countries like Japan and Australia to take the lead in creating a SEA community.

(Chinamini.. anyone ever play the game Front Mission? The OCU (Oceanic Cooperative Union which includes Japan. Korea, SEA and Australasia) in that game is sort of what I'm envisioning would work.)

Last edited by Ronin4hire : 09-17-2010 at 09:04 PM.
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