Originally Posted by CoolNard
Hi YuriTokoro, can I just call you Yuri?
Hi, CoolNard.
Yes. Call me Yuri.
The word "excluding" carries the direct opposite meaning of "including". It's basically saying "freeter" does not include homemakers or students.
Since Google and you agree with one another, you won't have to write about the explanation of "freeter", but if you want then feel free to do so.
I’m so sorry. It was my mistake.
I have misread the wiki page.
EDIT: Whether "freeter" can be used in formal speech or writing is still unclear. Since your English teacher couldn't understand it either, you should just save it for informal occasions, like this - in a forum. For instance, "Hi guys, I'm a freeter," which incidentally happens to be true. ^_^
If your teacher asks you again, quote the internet's definition. [/size]
In 1991, the Japanese Government has defined this word officially.
I think you can use the word as an official Japanese word.