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evanny (Offline)
devil's advocate
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09-18-2010, 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by dogsbody70 View Post

Years ago there was a programme showing how Japanese youth who watched or played violent games on PLAY station etc were becoming aggressive and actually reenacting the parts of aggressors.

dude. if you were actually worried then you would know that violent crimes have dropped 50% !!!! 50%!!!!!! since 80's amongst youth in big thanks to violent video games. biggest school killing ever didnt include guns! show me a violent teen who doesn't have a pc and ill show you a guy playing wow in his basement grabbing his penis who isnt making any problems for anyone.

and what do you expect? bad news sell so theyll show us blood and violance because thats what public wants so stop pretending with this "holier than thou" attitude that everyone is made to feel greatest compassion for someone on the other side of the planet getting beaten up or killed.

look at it this way.there is 7 billion of us. maybe when people see someone killed they feel more special. no one cares in animals/resources that are wildly available. diamonds are rare - so everyone wants them so its natural to want to feel more special - the less of us there is the more special we become.
kids arent dumb and they can see the difference between reality and fantasy. everyone of you make me sick - lets find things that caused kids to go shoot up school and etc....what the hell happened with plain old crazy? a? you think everything is soooo connected like "ai..he had an xbox - thats what caused him to kill people"!!!!! WELL ITS NOT!

o!!!! 665 people have died and thousands injured because of football. so maybe we shouldn't ban video games, huh? because real ones kill more off than fantasy.

Last edited by evanny : 09-18-2010 at 08:56 PM.
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