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KaitoKurosaki (Offline)
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Talking hooooooh - 09-20-2010, 12:48 PM

so many negative coments for japan bro ,why is that...?i lived 3 years in Tokyo,and i liked it.just one thing i hate most about the people there,they all are kind off silly,no wait!!it's not the right act like nothing happened,for example i said something bad for Teido or someone else,but he says only "why you call me baka,what i did to you.." and later he comes to me and starts talking like nothing man..if i call someone stupid or idiot in my country ,probably they'll kick my ass...whatever,there are no racism in Japan if you ask me ..i have worked on different places (three or 4) and everywhere i worked,no one told me that i'm stupid migrant or things like this ,they never acted like i'm different ,all of them were japanese dudes.
i just dont know how to coment the "racism thing"...never heard of it.
for 3 years i met only 2 or 3 guys and 1 girl ,which didn't realy like me.but that doesn't mean ,that they are racists or something ,maybe i'm bit ugly who knows.....))))
eventualy i come back from japan few weeeks ago,and now i say how beautifull and kind people i met there ,and here in spain they are kind too,so they looked at me surprised))).now they want to visit japan too(and maybe live there who knows).
i also got some corrections about my language,because i dont realy know how to use verbs and apropiate language,they like to use very much "respective" words if i can say it this way.
anyway...dont get disturbed by many negative coments,go to japan in a year or two u will understand how to live there,how to speack to people in respective way of course.
btw i'm born in bulgaria and i can say that there ,the people are "colder" they aren't to say...the other word for hostile)))..whatever..
i liked japan because there are very cute girls ...maaann!!!!you gotta be blind ,to say that japan is not good ,but thats me!

I'm sick maaan.i'm sick...very sick....
But hey!!! bro!
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