09-21-2010, 02:49 AM
I know that in the mountains we get a lot of snow, but I've heard that we don't get nearly the amount that they used to get here. Just looking at older pictures that people have makes this pretty clear.
I'm sure Hokkaido has plenty of wild life (if not more than here), but sometimes there are some strange animals here. I think in the winter you'll be okay because the bigger animals won't come out. Just be aware that hawks are pretty ruthless here and will steal from you... my wife had a crepe taken right out of her hands by a hawk before! I'd say it was about a meter tall (3-4 feet). I get the feeling hawks would be more interested in the ocean during the winter, but if there are people (which meanas food and snacks) at a skiing place in the mountains I wouldn't be surprised to see hawks in the mountains too.
I heard they have a ferry from Toyama to Hokkaido. I'd like to ride it but I think it'd take a whole day to ride a ferry all the way there (and another day back).