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(#7 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
09-21-2010, 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by cCow View Post
By the way I won't actually have my BA until December. I'm finishing up my final two credits at University... I don't plan on teaching until January though. Maybe I haven't been called for an interview because I won't have my BA until December? What are your thoughts?
Just thought I'd add, some places won't hire you until you actually have the degree and the certificate to prove it, from what I was told it's because you need the certificate to get the working visa, so without it they can't hire you. I could be wrong, but I imagine that's the norm for a few places, so it might be easier to get a job in December when you get your BA

Also - adding to what MMM said - a lot of major schools have a lot of applicants, insane ammounts really, especially for JET and things, and I think Aeon is one of the top schools, isn't it? It might be easier to look at smaller schools or apply in several places, but some of the older and more experienced members will probably have more to say on the matter and better advice
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