Hi, I'm doing some studying and I'm trying to create a simple Japanese dialogue. It's a situation where a customer (A) wishes to purchase a good from a seller (B) from a store.
The English is the "guide" to which I should base my creation of the dialogue into Japanese.
I need to check for accuracy of the dialogue, grammar wise and what not. I get confused with
sore, kore, are, sono, kono and
ano as a well as high figure numbers (10,000+ etc).
Please note I am mostly interested in getting the dialogue simple and correct as possible.
For simplicity, hiragana is used throughout my translation (i.e. no Kanji nor katakana). Romaji is placed under to assist me in speaking the specific dialogue aloud.
A. Welcome (B)
B: Ask to see “that” (near A) small video camera.
ちいさい びぢおかめら を みせて ください。
Chiisai bidio-camera o misete kusasai.
A: Ask which one.
Dore wa desu ka?
B: Say it’s “that” (near A) red video camera.
それ わ あかい びぢおかめら です。
Sore wa akai bidio-camera desu.
A: Say what is appropriate as you hand B the video camera.
Hai douzo.
B: Ask how much “this” is.
その いくら ですか?
Sono ikura desu ka?
A: Say it’s 43,600 yen. Say it’s Korean.
よんじゅろくさん円。 この かんこく です。
yon ju roku san byaku man en. Sono kankoku desu.
B: Say you’ll take “this”.
じゃ、そのわ ください。
Ja, sono wa kudasai.
A: Thank B.
はい、どもありがとう ござます。
Hai, domo arigatou gozamasu.
B: Ask if it’s all right to pay by credit card.
かあど でも いい ですか?
Cardo demo ii desu ka?
A: Say it’s fine.
はい、 けこう です。
Hai, kekou desu.
Any input, corrections, insights or helpful hints are welcome. Thanks