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(#20 (permalink))
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spoonybard (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 447
Join Date: Sep 2009
09-21-2010, 06:51 PM

It's nice to finally see people agreeing with me. I read a comment from another site that doesn't involve videogames or TV; it involved an incident at a school where they were supposed to be showing the benefits of donating blood, but... well, read the comment I am going to paste here. The reason why I'm posting it is because it can be applied to every instance of finger pointing:

"This isn't news. This also isn't a lawsuit worthy event. Twenty years ago people would have gotten outraged and the employee would probably have been fired. That would have been that. Now it's all about the money you can milk out of people for supposed 'trauma'... because they were subjected to gay porn for 30 seconds? Seriously? This is exactly what is wrong with America today, too many babies wearing adult bodies."

Mind you, Australia is worse than the US when it comes to restrictions, and the UK isn't that fantastic either. What's curious is that the way people tend to feel towards games(and TV, and movies), is the way that people felt when comics first came to existence(in an attempt to get rid of comics, somebody accused Batman and Robin of being homosexuals @_@).

These are people who don't like certain things, and because they don't like them, they do what they can to get rid of it, including using it as a skapegoat rather than doing something to correct the actual problem(or focus attention on something that merits attention, there are rating systems for a reason). Again, it's too easy to blame something/someone you don't like.
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