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JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
09-22-2010, 02:49 AM

Originally Posted by AndroidGirl View Post
Yes. I've done a lot of research but I was just making sure. And as for places to stay, I wanted to be near like the heart of everything. Or somewhere that we can get wherever we want easily, you know? Also, why do you have to be 18 to go to a store?
Sorry, your questions seems very fundamental. I will be honest, there are hundreds of threads in theses forums answering these very questions. The more detailed and specific questions you can ask, the better answers you will get.

In Tokyo, there is no "heart of everything". The heart is a circle that is about 20 train stations on the Yamanote line. If you are into shopping and technology, then anywhere around that line will be good. (You can find tons of sites with maps and advice).

You don't need to be 18 to go into a store. You do need to be 18 to book and stay in a hotel room, though.
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