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GreyGhost (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 57
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: My body may be in Florida, But my heart and soul are in Japan
Smile 09-23-2010, 03:34 AM

Great News!!!

I have met a 20 year old Japanese guy on a website called, though he lives in Colorado, and I in Florida we really hit it off and talk almost everyday for hours on end, as well as with webcams, He's very sweet, and caring towards me; he also says he doesn't find Japanese women attractive at all and finds American women to be very beautiful (or at least just me because he calls me beautiful and kawaii every time he sees me ) he's 5'6" and though I'm 5'6" 1/3 my profile on there says I'm 5'7" (figured I'd put it up seeing how I'm almost there lol) and he does not mind at all , so I guess in the end it does just depend on the guy, so to all the girls out there who want a Japanese guy but feel they will not be found attractive or believe they are too tall (like I once did), do not give up hope, all Japanese men do not want the same thing, you just have to find the right one

alice nine
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