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(#142 (permalink))
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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
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Join Date: Oct 2006
04-06-2007, 05:02 PM

Well he didn't sacrifice them as a last resort. HE sacrificed them because he wanted to. He was afraid that he'd be discovered. It isn't for someone to decide to kill people to make the world a better place, I am not religious at all, but in the world of DN only God himself is allowed. Of course I'd probably do the same thing as Light. But here we are trying to justify how he is/isnt evil. people always push and pull the rules of a game but if he wanted a pure world void of evil people he would find some other way to save everybody not just discard people because they are in his way.

Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 04-06-2007 at 05:05 PM.
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