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Nyororin (Offline)
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09-24-2010, 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post
So if few people actually observe the limits and the police don't even really police them why do they remain so damned low? It's not that small a country!
There is some sort of algorithm for determining the "safe" speed on a road based on the curves, the width of the lanes at it`s narrowest, incline, distance between intersections, and I think some other factors. I am pretty sure the same calculations are used in most places.
Even on the expressways, the lanes themselves tend to be more narrow than those overseas (or at least in the US and AUS, don`t know about the UK), which chops the "safe" speed down quite a bit.

They`re posted more as a guideline, really, than a limit. If a road is rated to so many km/h and you are involved in an accident when driving above that, it is at least partially your fault. If you`re driving at 120, and a car going 60 swerves over into your lane at a distance that is considered reasonably long enough to stop at the 80 posted speed, but you can`t stop and hit them - you`re partially at fault.
It`s kind of like saying "If you drive at this speed and follow all the rules, then you are 'safe' for insurance purposes".

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