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(#409 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
09-24-2010, 12:24 PM

"Create limits that are realistic and police them. Otherwise it creates much more dangerous conditions where you have some few people sitting on the limit and others racing along well over it. Speed limits are not meant to some vague guideline, they should be a true indication of the safe speed to travel. Here they've just defaulted to a ridiculously low limit that doesn't take into account safe limits whatsoever and you have a situation where people just drive at whatever speed they want. That is not safe.

Wow, GoNative, I've done some disagreeing with you since I've been on here, but I have to admit that I 100% agree with this one. I wish they'd use that kind of logic everywhere.

Nyororin, that was a very insightful post about getting a license in Japan! I appreciate it. Unfortunately judging by what you and GoNative posted and my experience it seems like some things differ from prefecture to prefecture (for foreigners at least).

I understand what the test is for, but one of the guys who did his driving test in the same car as me had some serious problems... like I was hoping to death that he wouldn't pass because I was going to have to share the road with him some day. Around here, not passing on the first try (as a foreigner at least) is pretty much a rule. I've NEVER heard of someone who's past their test on their first try. I've talked to many people about this. It just doesn't seem to happen. I've heard of many second tries and a lot of third tries. Believe it or not, I've heard of five before. These are people who were capable of driving in their own countries (since I've never seen them actually drive I can't judge them though).

I'll say it again, but my problem with that is there doesn't seem to be a point. The test that I've experienced has no benefits to it as far as learning new laws goes. Not learning those laws and putting yourself on the road can be dangerous, just like the person you've posted about. When I came to Japan I learned only two laws: No turning left on reds *which is an equivilant to right in the USA* and ABSOLUTELY no drinking. Other than that, nothing was covered. Frankly, a lot of that stuff should be covered. Just by simple observation I've learned a few things during my time here, but there are some things I would never have known if people didn't tell me or if I didn't ask.

If the 'driving center' here has the kind of time to allow a foreigner to take the same test five times, then they should have the time to explain some rules to people. I think it would be beneficial for Japan to provide driving instructions in foreign languages at their Driving Centers.
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