Originally Posted by dogsbody70
jambo half my problem is APART from being OLD---------------- Is-- I cannot select separate "quotes" so probably that is why I cause chaos and confusion.
Young people are better at manipulating these !quotes! than I.
anyway "I'll try to do better in future Miss."
lol. As I say, don't worry about it too much. It can just get confusing sometimes, thats all.
Originally Posted by YuriTokoro
I see.
Prefixes are confusing, because both “in-“ and “im-“ mean “not”, right?
At the same time, “in” in “increase” does not mean “not”, but “up”.
“Im” in “impossible” may means “not”, but in “import” and “immigrant”, it doesn’t mean “not”, but “in”. (!!!) This is really complicated.

I didn't realise English was so complicated. But we'll do our best to help
All the points you make there are correct. The prefix meaning will change depending on the word it's 'added' to.