Thread: A few questions
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Sashimister (Offline)
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09-25-2010, 01:40 AM

Originally Posted by kvcnext View Post
Is there anywhere especially good around the Asakusa area that sells Namagashi?
Is there anywhere/restraunt where you can be served a traditional Japanese breakfast?
Is there anywhere that does a tea ceremony in English? I've heard of this, but know no individual places.
So many places sell namagashi in Asakusa. That's what Asakusa is all about, "Good Ol' Tokyo". Just take a walk and you will easily find a few places.

For a cheap, full Japanese breakfast, I must recommend the gyuudon (beef bowl) places such as Yoshinoya and Matsuya. If you go to another hotel for breakfast, you could pay a few times more.

I tried to find a tea ceremony lesson in English near Asakusa but didn't find any.
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