09-25-2010, 05:54 AM
Have you guys heard the song "miss you" by M-flo? I like that song because it has a lot of implementation of "interlanguage" which is something that a lot of study abroad students and I used a lot of. I got into m-flo when I started getting serious about learning Japanese... I really wasn't a big fan of that kind of music to begin with, but I started to like it after a while and I've really come to appreciate the language that they use.
One of the great things about interlanguage is that it allows for usage of words or feelings that you wouldn't be able to express in your L2. It is my opinion that some words or feelings are just easier to express in some languages. The phrase "miss you" just works better in English. At the same time, words like "せつない" or "なつかしい" or other things like that work better in Japanese.